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Lorina’s resources are offered to guide you in your self-learning journey and contemplations. Please feel free to browse the articles and videos and reach out if you have any questions.
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Feeling the Pleasure of Gravity Intimacy in Isolation:101 Ways to Play with Yourself
What happens when you pay attention to the pleasure of gravity? What happens when you pay attention to the pleasure of gravity? For me,...

Touch ~ Intimacy in Isolation: 101 Ways to Play with Yourself
Touch! This mammal needs it for a certain degree of sanity. How about you? What's a touch deprived creature in isolation to do?...

Transforming Loneliness ~ Intimacy in Isolation: 101 Ways to Play with Yourself
Want a little help moving through that feeling of loneliness? Here’s a little practice to help you feel more connected and less alone....

Getting Intimate with a Tree~ Intimacy in Isolation: 101 Ways to Play with Yourself
In this video I share what happened in my body and heart when I opened up my spine to receive the loving intelligence of the tree being....

Playing with Sound, Breath & Grief ~ Intimacy in Isolation: 101 Ways to Play with Yourself
In this resurrection day (aka Easter) video I play with Sound and Breath to help metabolize grief, loss and sadness. Yah. That’s how I...

Navigating Distress with Play
In this episode of *Intimacy in Isolation: 101 Ways to Play with Yourself* I bring play and embodied expression to the not always...

Intimacy in Isolation: 101 Ways to Play with Yourself
In this episode of "Intimacy in Isolation: 101 Ways to Play with Yourself" I explore one of the fundamentals of intimacy--the energetics...

Learning to Love Yourself with the Help of the Divine
We all want to feel love and be loved. Given a choice, wouldn't you want to choose unconditional love?

Differentiating Desires, Fulfilling Desires
So the question I’m asking today is, “How do we differentiate between the desires to follow and the desires to leave fallow?”

Resourcing: How to Get Out of Fight/Flight and into Grounded Love
I hope your Resourcing practice brings you all sorts of treasures including more love, more presence, more joy and more connection.

Finding the Value in Jealousy
Jealousy is an issue that easily comes up in the wake of deep dives in intimacy and relationship.

Free and Secure in Love
The Big Question “How can I feel both secure and free in a relationship?” That was a question a woman asked me recently. In truth, if I...

The Benefits of Cuddle Buddies
What would shift in your life if you had multiple cuddle buddies?

Juicer Options Beyond Control
What juicier options exist beyond trying to control a relationship? Control often feels like stress, drama and contraction. Wouldn’t...

Reinventing Yourself in Relationships with Love
Have you been feeling it? The distinct sensation of your role in relationships getting rattled? This Full Moon Eclipse I know I have....

Healing the Partnership Wound: From Fantasy to Fall to Forgiveness to Freedom
What expectations and desires do hold around partnership? And to what degree have they served your healing and wholeness? The Dream We’ve...

Drama Be Gone, Heart Shine On
Drama's Roots Professionally helping people in the realm of relationships is bound to reveal some patterns. For the Hendricks (one of my...

Meeting the Source of Your Desires
“Want do you want?” This is my favorite coaching question. When’s the last time you asked yourself that question? Calling attention to...

Practices to Rewire Your Nervous System for Love
In my last piece I presented the practice of “feel, ask and receive” for those of us who have a tendency to lose ourselves in...

The Antidote to Losing Yourself in Relationship
An Opportunity to Feel, Ask and Receive This New Moon in Cancer I will be facilitating an experience called “The Temple of Nurturing...

Reach and Receive, Satisfaction Guaranteed
Reaching for the Stars I’ve noticed a lot of us reaching quite a bit lately. It’s inspiring. Couples in my counsel reaching for new...

4 Relationship Edgewalking Skills
What do you do when you’re at your edge in a relationship? You know that edge-- that scary, exciting, tender, not sure what’s on the...

Full Body Prayer: My Favorite Way to Manifest Love
She danced for the love she felt the love she gave away and the love she kept she danced to free her spirit and to free other spirits too...

A New Year's Aspiration: Learn to Die Well
Aspirations to Die Well Lately I’ve been aspiring to die well. I want to learn how to be with the death cycle with greater degrees of...

Ready to explore your pleasure, presence & potency potential?

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